[Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
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Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
De ton résumé, j'ai l'impression que Graham s'est servi de INQUISITOR de Ian Watson... et ce sans encore avoi r lu le livre.
Give a monkey a brain... And He'll swear that he's the center of the Universe
Roboutte Guilliman Maître de Guerre - Messages : 4523
Age : 58
Localisation : Suisse, Montpellier, Savoie.. Le multiverse quoi
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Je lutte pour ne pas voir le spoil de notre ami cyclope et c'est dur !!!! X3
Dernière Critique : Furie Rouge
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Tu peux c'est plus un synopsis qu'un spoil.Maestitia a écrit:Je lutte pour ne pas voir le spoil de notre ami cyclope et c'est dur !!!! X3
Is Finecast using diamond mixed with cocaine?
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
Dakka Primarque - Messages : 3776
Localisation : Pom Pom Galli
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Oui Maestitia , Dark Apostle a raison je vais pas vous dégouter en dévoilant l'histoire non plus , mais j'ai préféré mettre spoil au cas où des gens ne voudraient rien savoir .
Tin ça m'énerve de prendre autant d'avance dans les lectures , je peux pas en parler grrrrrrrrrrrr
Tin ça m'énerve de prendre autant d'avance dans les lectures , je peux pas en parler grrrrrrrrrrrr
"Pride,not flesh, is weak"
"Quel mal pouvait bien causer l'étude et l'apprentissage ?"
Magnus Maitre de chapitre - Messages : 2299
Age : 46
Localisation : Normandie , LE pays du Cidre ...
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
XD tu m'as tué Magnus !
Génial encore un tome qui sort des entiers battus !
D'abord Mechanicum et Maintenant les astropath vraiment cool !
McNeil Powa =D
J'ai trop hâte de voir ce que ça donnera en fr x3
T'as qu'à attendre avec nous la sortie FR des livres espèce de bilingue !
Oui, oui c'est un reproche lol
Génial encore un tome qui sort des entiers battus !
D'abord Mechanicum et Maintenant les astropath vraiment cool !
McNeil Powa =D
J'ai trop hâte de voir ce que ça donnera en fr x3
T'as qu'à attendre avec nous la sortie FR des livres espèce de bilingue !
Oui, oui c'est un reproche lol
Dernière Critique : Furie Rouge
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Magnus a écrit:Alors voici un petit resumé de ce livre
- Spoiler:
Nous suivons les aventures d'un Astropathe qui retourne à la City of Sight sur Terra . C'est là où est géré l'Astra Telapathica . Alors que les forces loyalistes se dirigent vers Istvaan 5.....
Cet Astropathe a l'esprit bléssé suite à une expérience traumatisante , il devra réapprendre tout depuis le début .
Mais c'est alors que quelquechose d'invraisemblable se produit dans le Donjon de l'Empereur....
S'en suit combat , cauchemars , emprisonnement et évasion.....tout cela autour de l'Astropathe Kai Zulane , détenteur d'un savoir qui pourrais définir l'issue de l'Hérésie.....
Analyse à chaud : Bon roman qui nous emmene sur Terra , où l'on apprend plus sur les astropathes (surtout) et les navigateurs de la Navis Nobilite . De même on entre dans les "faubourgs" du Palais Impérial , et on est loin de la magnifience censé être apporté par l'Imperium .
Des personnages attachants , spéciale mention pour les Marines .
Un gros +1 quand à une question que certains fluffistes se posent depuis des années et qui concerne notre cher Empereur...
Un gros -1 sur l'incohérence de temps d'un évenement qui se passe dans le livre ( a moins que ça soit moi qui suis devenu bête )
Il est où le spoil là-dedans ?
Kairos le Tisseur Sergent Space Marine - Messages : 653
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
@ Magnus: L'evenement incohérent en question serait-il en rapport avec... Magnus?
Is Finecast using diamond mixed with cocaine?
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
Dakka Primarque - Messages : 3776
Localisation : Pom Pom Galli
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
@ Magnus: L'evenement incohérent en question serait-il en rapport avec... Magnus?
Oui tout a fait , je t'envoie le "spoil" par MP si tu veux .
"Pride,not flesh, is weak"
"Quel mal pouvait bien causer l'étude et l'apprentissage ?"
Magnus Maitre de chapitre - Messages : 2299
Age : 46
Localisation : Normandie , LE pays du Cidre ...
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Raaaaaaaaa taisez vous !!!
Dernière Critique : Furie Rouge
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Vite ,vite la lance de Russ ! Une relique qui chasse a chaque fois le vilain.(Détenue par les gentils SW).
Leman Russ Maître de Guerre - Messages : 5839
Age : 54
Localisation : Finistère Sud
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Merci Magnus, mais c'est inutile, je vois parfaitement de quoi tu veux parler, en effet c'est une boulette. Peut-être que les livres ont été écrit à la même periode, mais que ce détails leur a échappé.
Is Finecast using diamond mixed with cocaine?
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
Dakka Primarque - Messages : 3776
Localisation : Pom Pom Galli
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Tu l'as lu le roman DA ?
"Pride,not flesh, is weak"
"Quel mal pouvait bien causer l'étude et l'apprentissage ?"
Magnus Maitre de chapitre - Messages : 2299
Age : 46
Localisation : Normandie , LE pays du Cidre ...
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Non, mais c'est trés facile de savoir ce qu'est la boulette.
Is Finecast using diamond mixed with cocaine?
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
Dakka Primarque - Messages : 3776
Localisation : Pom Pom Galli
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
- The Outcast Dead book review and Interview with Graham McNeill :
Source The Outcast Dead book review and Interview with Graham McNeill
Source The Outcast Dead book review and Interview with Graham McNeill
- Spoiler:
- This post is part of the I will start a Blog, and I shall name it Bloggy... blog authored by Kris Sherriff.
The Outcast Dead is the 17th book in the Hours Heresy series released by the Black Library; it is McNeills 5th Heresy novel and again focuses on a different part of the Warhammer 30,000 cannon. This time McNeill is leading us on a merry dance around Terra and the Imperial Palace itself, with a focus on the City of Sight where the Astropaths perform their service to the Imperium.
Kai Zulane is the main protagonist in the book, an Astropath who is one of only two survivors of an incident aboard the Argo, an imperial ship in service to the Ultramarines. Kai is so wracked with survivors’ guilt that he is sent returned to terra for assessment to see if he can be of use to the imperium anymore.
The other starring roles go to the novels namesake a group of Space Marines from various Legions that made up a Crusader host, after Horus’s rebellion against the Emperor these Marines were rounded up and imprisoned on Terra and McNeill handles these characters quite well letting with their shifting loyalties and the bond that is formed between them as they are cast as traitors to both the emperor and their legions.
The action happens in the aftermath of Magnus the Reds attempts to warn the Emperor of Horus’s betrayal and the impending Drop Site massacre at Isstavan V. For those familiar with the setting there could be some timeline issues with Magnus’s warning as it seems to happen after the Drop site massacre has already taken place leaving one to wonder what Magnus was actually warning the Emperor about but rather than dwelling on timeline and continuity issues in a series written by multiple authors over an extended period, none of that actually affected my enjoyment of the book and the chaos and panic that follow Magnus’s arrival on earth is a catalyst that picks the pace of the book up nicely.
Up until Magnus’s ill fated intervention the pace of the book is quite slow with McNeill developing characters and moving them around the Grand backdrop that is the continent spanning Imperial Palace. This was well handled with Grahams usually class seeping through the pages giving you a feel for the epic scope of what the Emperor created on Earth before the onset of the great crusade.
There are also some nice switches in writing style as you bounce from character to character that is also well executed with full advantage being made of different perspectives to give an all encompassing view of the events from both sides of the coin.
The book though really comes to life in the second half with Kai’s lot in life deteriating rapidly and the Outcast Dead coming to the fore with some nice interplay between the various representatives of each legion.
As a monumental secret is hidden within Kai’s mind and both sides of the galaxy spanning civil war eager to learn it Kai has a fine line to walk to keep you guessing what side of the line he will chose to come down on and if his choice will have anything to do with it.
It is during this part of the book that most of the revelations are made and new nuggets are unearthed. To continue to expand on any of them in the review would leave massive spoilers and so it is at this point that I will have to sum up my thoughts on the book.
As a fan of the setting The Outcast Dead was always going to be an easy read for me and I find it hard to draw any serious fault with the book. There is action and intrigue a plenty but maybe not balanced throughout the story, I didn’t find it a problem but it is just to let you know that if you are looking for some all out action scene that they are there you just need to stick with it.
I honestly find it hard to rank this book; it had a similar feel for me to when I read Legion with all the little revelations being just as important to the enjoyment of the book as the conclusion to the actual story.
Over all I would say 4 out of 5 and a must read anyone interested in the HH series as what it added to the overall series is worth just as much as its enjoyment value as a standalone book.
Now as an added bonus I was privileged enough to be able to swap a few emails with Graham McNeill himself and find his thoughts on writing The Outcast Dead, working on the Horus Heresy and a few other things besides.
KS: Hi Graham,
With your focuses on the remembrancers if Fulgrim, the Techpriest in Mechanicum and now the Astropaths in The Outcast Dead your books seem to fill out the wider background to the Horus Heresy, what is it that draws you to the lesser explored sections of the Imperium?
GM: I don't think it's a conscious decision to focus on these areas, but I do like to find the gaps, the things folk haven't seen in the stories. In every series, you need textural variation in the kinds of stories you're writing, the characters you're seeing and the situations they're in. You also need different kinds of stories, so The Outcast Dead was more of a thriller novel as opposed to a war novel, which I think is all to the good of the series and keeps things interesting for the reader (and the writer). With the Astropaths, I felt they were a vital part of the Imperium, but a part we knew very little about. And I felt there had to be interesting stories to be told in their lives. So I took the time to build up their society, their hierarchy and their relationships to one another before lighting the blue touch paper. It's a deliberately measured pace, as it's not a book about the warriors on the front line, and I really wanted to take the time to get to know the characters before hurling them into harm's way. That way it matters and you care about what happens to them along the way.
KS: I especially enjoyed the way you handled the Emperor in your short story The Last Church (from tales of the heresy, and one of my all time favourite short stories) and he again make an appearance for you in The Outcast Dead, are there any special considerations you make when including the Big E in one of your stories and do you enjoy writing him in?
GM: Thanks, it was a story I think challenged everyone involved; me, the editors and the readers. Would I be able to get everyone to buy into a story that was just two guys talking in a church? Could it still be an interesting, exciting story even though there wasn't any shoot-deth-kill. Like I said earlier, it gave Tales of Heresy a nice variation in story styles, so was worth doing for that reason alone. Writing for the Emperor is a delicate balancing act, where you need to make him suitably awesome, but also someone whose motivations you can understand (if not get your head around the majesty of his plans). We need to see the Emperor in the stories or the final struggle at the end won't have impact it deserves. But, on the other hand, we can't have people becoming too familiar with him, or he becomes 'ordinary' and loses his Emperorness. However we portray him, he always needs to have his cloak of awesome pulled tight, so that he's a truly worthy object of a galaxy's devotion.
KS: The Outcast Dead gives the Heresy Fans our first in-depth look at the runnings of Terra and a glimpse at what life is like for the inhabitants of the imperial palace and the wider world, was there anything you wish you had time to expand on or some parts of earth that didn't make the cut?
GM: Not really, the book was already pretty long and I think to have included much more in the story would have caused the pace to drag when it needed to pop. In the synopsis, there was a whole section after what turned out to be the finale where the Outcast Dead flee into space and end up on one of the outer planet's moons. But by the time I got to the Temple of Woe, I knew that the space finale had to go to keep the pace fast and the ending properly brutal.
KS: Without too much in the way of spoilers Babu Dhakal and Ghota added massive amounts of insight into Terra's past and an insight in to the character of the Emperor himself in a similar way as in The Last Church, will we be seeing more of them and are you going to tell me if they were supposed to be inherently flawed?
GM: Yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll see more of them. We already have plans for how we'd like to use them, and it's a wonderfully poetic arc they have that feels very satisfying and will highlight yet another aspect of the Emperor. At first they were just there to provide a foe who could convincingly threaten the Outcast Dead, but the more I wrote them, the more I realised we had some characters who could become pretty important in the larger scheme of things. As to whether they were flawed from the beginning...well, that would give away the surprise of what we have planned for them.
KS: Now that you have finished the main Sigmar trilogy, have expanded on the Ultramarines series and even had time to do Sons of Ellyrion are there any other loose ends you would like to tie up or are the pastures new to look forward to?
GM: A bit of all of that actually. I may have finished the first Sigmar trilogy, but there are more Sigmar books to come. At the moment, I'm in the opening stages of a new Sigmar short story that follows on from some of the events at the end of God King, and there are a whole host of threads left dangling from that book I'm going to pick up at a later date. I've also planned out the next three Ultramarines novels in draft form, and have a couple of Heresy projects outlined. And with Priests of Mars about to kick off, that's a new venture into 40k territory for me, so there's plenty to be keeping me busy for a while, some in fields I've already sown seeds, others that are fresh, new and exciting.
KS: After the success of the Black Library Audio Books have you been tempted to try your hand at writing one of your own?
GM: I already have. Eye of Vengeance comes out in 2012, and the Dark King is already out (though I suppose, technically, it was written as an exclusive chapbook first). Eye of Vengeance is an Ultramarines audio, and focusses on Torias Telion and what he and his Scouts were up to during Honsou's invasion of Ultramar, so expect behind the lines sneakiness aplenty.
Well all that is left is for me to thank Graham for his time in answering these questions for me and wish him all the best for the future.
I hope you found my review insightful and found Grahams answers as interesting as I did.
Administration Admin - Messages : 6893
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Bon bin le gros probleme d'enchainement des evenements dont je parlais est spoilé au dessus .
"Pride,not flesh, is weak"
"Quel mal pouvait bien causer l'étude et l'apprentissage ?"
Magnus Maitre de chapitre - Messages : 2299
Age : 46
Localisation : Normandie , LE pays du Cidre ...
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Une nouvelle critique de The Outcast Dead a été postée hier sur le blog Book Spot Central :
Source The Outcast Dead by Graham McNeill – review
Next in the best-selling Horus Heresy series is Graham McNeill’s The Outcast Dead. This is a book that kept me up until 5 a.m. on a work night (we’ll not discuss what the day at work was like…), so let me get on with telling you why.
This is a book that moved me deeply, and I felt unable to review it until I’d read it twice…and then a third time and then walk away for a while before even trying. This is very different from my usual process and was reminiscent of my experience of reading and reviewing Dan Abnett’s Prospero Burns. In fact, for me, this is McNeill’s Prospero Burns and a very worthy sequel to A Thousand Sons.
The story, broadly speaking, follows the fortunes of Astropath Kai Zulane on a journey of discovery to the very heart of the Imperium. I’m not speaking of only a literal journey but also of a journey into his extraordinary mind, the mind of a powerful Imperial psyker.
When Magnus’s astral visit to Terra sets off a psychic event of catastrophic proportions, the convalescing Zulane is implanted with a terrible truth. When this comes to light, Zulane is taken into the bowels of the ultimate Terran prison to have this truth forcibly removed from the recesses of his psyche. Unbeknown to him, imprisoned in the same facility are seven Astartes from legions that have been declared traitor, the outcast dead of the title, one of whom realises that Kai Zulane is of immense importance and must be saved. From this moment begins an extraordinary sojourn through the hollow mountain and the petitioner’s city as Zulane and his Astartes companions seek to escape from Terra with the world-ending knowledge hidden in his mind.
Without wishing to give too much away, I have to acknowledge that Zulane’s convalescence, the cause of his return to Terra, forms a major portion of this story’s context. His relationship with his fellow Astropaths is both strained and yet often touching, and his personality really shines through in those moments.
There are so many amazing characters present in this story; not one of them feels superfluous or two-dimensional, and each adds immeasurably to the incredible depth of McNeill’s tale. The outcast dead themselves have definitely got some Seven Samurai vibes going for them and are so very full of personality and so very distant from the cookie cutter image of the Astartes. Atharva, one Magnus’s Thousand Sons, comes across as the de facto leader of this group, and I found myself reminded of their incredible abilities and wisdom as he seeks to do what is right in an Imperium that appears to have lost sight of its more noble goals; not to mention bringing the tragedy of their tale very sharply to the fore. The three members of Angron’s legion show great development as characters and even with their common rage stand out as unique and three-dimensional individuals who, along with the others, very quickly grabbed me by the heart and almost eclipsed Zulane’s struggle.
These Astartes seem to explore the nuances of loyalty and betrayal and do so in such a moving way that as they struggle through the tale I, quite literally, couldn’t put the book down! Combined with Zulane’s ever more personal battles with his own psyche I was left breathless as the tale came to an end and found myself with a lingering sadness long after I’d put the book down.
There is much else to tell that I feel would give too much away, so I won’t. Suffice it to say that there are revelations and scenes that I felt were of immense power and import, and his characters, all of them, really grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. I’ve returned to this book a few times since and am still moved by it, returning to certain scenes again and again.
This book is one of the masterpieces of this extraordinary collection and, I felt, a personal best for McNeill. I’ve no doubt he will continue to surprise me. I eagerly await his next contribution to the series.
Source The Outcast Dead by Graham McNeill – review
Administration Admin - Messages : 6893
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
L'attente commence à se faire sentir, toujours pas de date annoncée pour la sortie en français de ce roman.
Administration Admin - Messages : 6893
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
D'ailleurs je me disais cher Horus , que la traduction pourrait etre "les Parias oubliés" , ca aurait plus de sens je pense .
"Pride,not flesh, is weak"
"Quel mal pouvait bien causer l'étude et l'apprentissage ?"
Magnus Maitre de chapitre - Messages : 2299
Age : 46
Localisation : Normandie , LE pays du Cidre ...
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
LOL! c'est vrai que nous avons la date de la sortie du roman suivant, Délivrance Perdue, mais pas de celuil-là ! Mais qu'est-ce qu'ils foutent ?
Kairos le Tisseur Sergent Space Marine - Messages : 653
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Je veux vraiment le lire celui-là, il sera comme Mechanicum, sans Astartes et plein d'énigme mouahaha
Et pour le moment celle à 10 000e est : pour quand la VF
Et pour le moment celle à 10 000e est : pour quand la VF
Dernière Critique : Furie Rouge
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Je veux vraiment le lire celui-là, il sera comme Mechanicum, sans Astartes et plein d'énigme mouahaha
Je veux pas te spoiler mais y a des Astartes ....en même temps si tu regardes bien la couverture .....même si ils ne sont pas les héros "principaux" du livre .
"Pride,not flesh, is weak"
"Quel mal pouvait bien causer l'étude et l'apprentissage ?"
Magnus Maitre de chapitre - Messages : 2299
Age : 46
Localisation : Normandie , LE pays du Cidre ...
Re: [Horus Heresy] The Outcast Dead de Graham McNeill
Dans Mechanicum il y a aussi des Astartes, mais ils ne sont pas au centre du récit, c'est ce que je voulais dire ^^"
Et puis les astropathes, se sont des gars qui se crèvent la bedaine pour les autres et ils n'ont reçoivent aucunes considérations, et ça, c'est cool!
Et puis les astropathes, se sont des gars qui se crèvent la bedaine pour les autres et ils n'ont reçoivent aucunes considérations, et ça, c'est cool!
Dernière Critique : Furie Rouge
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