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Neferata: The Dominion of Bones de David Annandale

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Neferata: The Dominion of Bones de David Annandale Empty Neferata: The Dominion of Bones de David Annandale

Message par Nico. Sam 26 Oct 2019 - 10:52


==> Neferata: The Dominion of Bones Hardback

Neferata is besieged. To the east, the daemon prince Graunos gathers the legions of the Blood God, seeking to tear the Mortarch from her throne. To the south, Sigmar’s storm heralds the coming of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer, intent on pressing the God-King’s claim. All the while, an ancient enemy grows, hidden within Neferata’s lands. Never has her power seemed so fragile. But, within the dominion of bones, the Mortarch of Blood controls all, and even the champions of the Dark Gods will find themselves puppets in her schemes.

The trail will lead both beastkin and Sylvaneth across perilous wastelands. But no danger is greater than that which waits in the mountain tomb of the godbeast. It is a place of terror and legend, a place spoken of in frightened whispers. It is a place called Beastgrave.

Neferata est assiégée. À l'est, le prince démon Graunos rassemble les légions du Dieu de sang, cherchant à arracher la Mortarque de son trône. Au sud, la tempête de Sigmar annonce l’apparition des Enclils of the Heldenhammer, avec l’intention de faire valoir la revendication du Dieu-Roi. Pendant ce temps, un ancien ennemi se développe, caché sur les terres de Neferata. Jamais son pouvoir n'a semblé aussi fragile. Mais,dans la domination des os, la Mortarch of Blood contrôle tout, et même les champions des Dieux Noirs se retrouveront eux-mêmes comme des marionnettes.

336 pages • Octobre 2019 • ISBN 978-1789990645 • Illustration de ?

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