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Gotrek gurnisson Aos

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Gotrek gurnisson Aos  Empty Gotrek gurnisson Aos

Message par gotrekgurnisson Ven 28 Sep 2018 - 15:53

Bonjour, alors petite question, donc on sait qu'il y a eu un gros bordel dans le monde de Warhammer battle avec le chaos et tout.
Grimnir est certainement mort , tué par la mère des salamandres ( dracks?)
Gotrek a pris la place de grimnir dans le monde des démons ( warp?)
Alors ma question est pourquoi gotrek ne revient pas dans Aos ? Y a t'il des informations dessus ?

Y va y avoir de la baston l'humain...


Messages : 102
Age : 47
Localisation : Karak Kadrin

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Gotrek gurnisson Aos  Empty Re: Gotrek gurnisson Aos

Message par Rhydysann Ven 28 Sep 2018 - 20:03

Ajouts coming Soon novembre:

Gotrek: Realmslayer

Gotrek gurnisson Aos  Blproc53
Gotrek Gurnisson was the greatest monster slayer of the age, who met his doom at the End Times. The heroic duardin stepped forth into the Realm of Chaos to fight the daemons gnawing at the world's ending and satisfy his death oath, leaving behind his companion Felix Jaeger. Now Gotrek has returned, having outlived the old gods and the Old World. Spat from the ruinous depths with his redemption unfulfilled, he emerges into the Mortal Realms, a strange new world where gods walk the earth and dark forces are ascendant. Nothing is as he remembers. His oaths are dust, and the lands are torn asunder by Chaos. Yet when Gotrek learns of human champions being elevated to immortality for Sigmar’s fight against this darkness, the so-called 'Stormcast Eternals', he knows why fate has brought him into this new age. To find Felix. For only then can he find the peace in death he seeks. But is there more to Gotrek's apotheosis than even he can fathom? Has he truly been chosen by Grimnir and for what purpos

Gotrek gurnisson Aos  Playgw16

Premier Capitaine
Premier Capitaine

Messages : 1997
Age : 25
Localisation : Paris

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Gotrek gurnisson Aos  Empty Re: Gotrek gurnisson Aos

Message par gotrekgurnisson Ven 28 Sep 2018 - 20:34

Et bien merci beaucoup

Y va y avoir de la baston l'humain...


Messages : 102
Age : 47
Localisation : Karak Kadrin

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Gotrek gurnisson Aos  Empty Re: Gotrek gurnisson Aos

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