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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Administration Jeu 29 Déc 2011 - 4:36

En juillet 2012 la Black Library sortira un roman inédit de William King, Angel of Fire, qui sera le premier roman d'un trilogie consacrée à la Macharian Crusade/Croisade Macharius.

Les titres des deux tomes suivants de la trilogie The Macharian Crusade seront :

- Fist of Demetrius (prévu pour juillet 2013)
- Fall of Macharius (prévu pour juillet 2014)

Présentation :

At the dawn of the forty-first millennium, Lord Commander Macharius and his forces embark upon the re-conquest of over a thousand worlds. A man of steel and fire, Macharius is the only one with the will to lead the massed armies of the Imperium to victory. As the crusade rolls onwards, it reaches the world of Karsk. In the city of Irongrad, the Imperial forces face the crusade’s end, unless Macharius and his army can defeat the dreaded Angel of Fire.

A l'aube du 41ème millénaire le Seigneur commandant Macharius et ses forces se lancent dans la reconquête de plus de mille mondes. Homme d'acier et le feu, Macharius est le seul avec la volonté de mener les armées massives de l'Imperium à la victoire. Comme la croisade progresse bien, il atteint le monde de Karsk. Dans la ville d'Irongrad, les forces impériales vont peut-être faire face à la fin prématurée de la croisade, à moins que Macharius et son armée ne réussissent à vraincre le redouté Ange de Feu.

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 904941christmasstar

When the ork kicked in the door I knew I was dead.

Half again as tall as a man, with a huge chainsword gripped in one massive gnarled fist, the greenskin surveyed the barrack’s room with eyes the colour of blood. It threw back its ugly head, opened its tusked mouth wide and emitted a bellow of rage loud enough to wake the dead. It grunted something in its brutish language as if it expected us to obey. We would not have, of course, even if we understood it. We were Imperial Guard, soldiers of the Emperor, and orks have always been numbered among His enemies.

The greenskin should not have been so far inside the bunker. That fact alone told me at least a company of men were already dead. Hell, our whole army out there in the Hamels’ Tower trench system might be dead for all I knew. We had not heard anything from command in days.

Before I could give any orders, the xenos sprang into the room. Its chainsword flickered, taking off Bohuslav’s arm at the shoulder then removing the top of Alaine's head, sending brain and blood and bone splattering across the chamber. Behind me I heard seats clattering to the ground and tables being overturned and the confused grunts of grey-uniformed men rising from their metal bunks to confront this sudden horror, the last thing they would expect to meet so deep within the fortified complex.

The ork took two more steps that almost put it within cutting distance of me. I brought up my shotgun and I pulled the trigger. It didn’t fail me. It never has in thirty years of service. The few brains the ork possessed splattered against the wall. The headless body toppled over, limbs still twitching, the chainsword still roaring and starting to slither across the bloody floor until it came to a stop, the teeth grinding against the metal leg of a bunk.

Source d) A Festive Extract

- Cover officielle du roman à venir :

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 560680AngelofFire

- Ci-dessous, voici l'artwork original duquel est tirée l'illustration de couverture de ce roman.

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 966081angeloffire2

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 351272angeloffire3

- Enfin voici un petit hommage clin d'œil à ce superbe artwork :

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 255502fortheemperor

logo2 billking

Dernière édition par Horus Lupercal le Sam 19 Mai 2012 - 17:12, édité 8 fois


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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Logan Grimnar Jeu 29 Déc 2011 - 12:28

Santa Maria ! Un roman sur Macharius !
Ca devait arriver un jour. Hâte qu'il soit traduit. Smile
Mais j'ai l'impression que je vais attendre un bail avant que ca arrive.
En plus la couverture est superbe.

spacewolfAngel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Space-14spacewolves
Logan Grimnar

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Corax Jeu 29 Déc 2011 - 13:51

Il va être super ce roman.

corax Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 25154110  ravenguards

d) Codex Raven Guard

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Ys Jeu 29 Déc 2011 - 18:03

Superbe couverture, espérons un contenu aussi bon... Smile

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Leman Russ Jeu 29 Déc 2011 - 18:19

William King ! L'auteur de 3 romans en Anglais sur les SW. Very Happy

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Space_10
Leman Russ

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par tanith Dim 19 Fév 2012 - 9:29

j'espere qu'il sera bien , je prend


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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Kairos le Tisseur Dim 19 Fév 2012 - 17:25

Cool la présentation, merci pour la mise à jour Horus. Je suis déjà fan, mais faudra attendre encore pas mal de temps avant de pouvoir le lire en français. What a Face
Kairos le Tisseur

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Administration Mer 16 Mai 2012 - 4:26

La Black Library commence à préparer le terrain pour la sortie en juillet prochain du roman Angel of Fire de William King.
Voici un extrait !

After a long break spent, touring the coasts of Ulthuan, William King has returned to the Warhammer 40,000 universe. His new novel, Angel of Fire follows Lord Commander Solar Macharius as he embarks upon a crusade to bring a thousand worlds back into the Imperial fold. We pick up the action as the crusade reaches the city of Irongrad:

When the ork kicked in the door I knew I was dead.

Half again as tall as a man, with a huge chainsword gripped in one massive gnarled fist, the greenskin surveyed the barrack’s room with eyes the colour of blood. It threw back its ugly head, opened its tusked mouth wide and emitted a bellow of rage loud enough to wake the dead. It grunted something in its brutish language as if it expected us to obey. We would not have, of course, even if we understood it. We were Imperial Guard, soldiers of the Emperor, and orks have always been numbered among His enemies.

The greenskin should not have been so far inside the bunker. That fact alone told me at least a company of men were already dead. Hell, our whole army out there in the Hamel’s Tower trench system might be dead for all I knew. We had not heard anything from command in days.

Before I could give any orders, the xenos sprang into the room. Its chainsword flickered, taking off Bohuslav’s arm at the shoulder then removing the top of Alaine's head, sending brain and blood and bone splattering across the chamber. Behind me I heard seats clattering to the ground and tables being overturned and the confused grunts of grey-uniformed men rising from their metal bunks to confront this sudden horror, the last thing they would expect to meet so deep within the fortified complex.

The ork took two more steps that almost put it within cutting distance of me. I brought up the shotgun and I pulled the trigger. It didn’t fail me. It never has in thirty Gothic years of service. The few brains the ork possessed splattered against the wall. The headless body toppled over, limbs still twitching, the chainsword still roaring and starting to slither across the bloody floor till it came to a stop, the teeth grinding against the metal leg of a bunk.

More orks raced down the plascrete stairs into this chamber, chanting their bestial battle cries. Some of them shot their guns into the air with wild enthusiasm. Others waved outsized, crudely serrated blades and axes, roaring with obscene joy in the knowledge they would get to use them soon.

I pulled the trigger of the shotgun again and sent the leading ork toppling backwards into his brethren. That slowed them down enough for me to ready a grenade and lob it into their midst. I dived, putting myself behind an overturned mess table as the wave of concussion rippled through the chamber. I looked at the rest of my squad. They were mostly just raw recruits, little older than I had been when I joined the Imperial Guard. This was what the proud legions that had followed Macharius across the galaxy had been reduced to. It was a sad thought.

Shotguns, poignant emotional moments and massive explosions – all the ingredients for a great novel! If you want to read Angel of Fire, you can preorder it from Friday.

Source d) Join the Crusade



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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Macharius Mer 16 Mai 2012 - 12:45

Un roman sur ma personne ? Smile

Day One pour moi si il sort en Français. Cool

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 263097macharius

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Sanguinius Mer 16 Mai 2012 - 13:36

Génial, du Macharius. Un série qui promet. Smile

bloodangels Il n'y a que la mort qui n'a pas de solution. bloodangels

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Roboutte Guilliman Mer 16 Mai 2012 - 15:35

Il est marrant de voir, que le titre aborrhé de Maitre de Guerre, fut remis en place en l'Honneur de Macharius... étrange... Vous ne trouvez pas.. redonner à un homme autant, si ce n'est plus de pouvoir qu'en eut Horus...

Give a monkey a brain... And He'll swear that he's the center of the Universe
Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 791398ultra
Roboutte Guilliman

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Sanguinius Mer 16 Mai 2012 - 15:57

Il fallait bien un peu plus qu'un simple maréchal pour aller conquérir un petit millier d'étoiles.

Après c'est certain que c'est un risque à courir, surtout si ce Maître de Guerre est un fin stratège.

Quand à savoir s'il a plus de pouvoir qu'Horus, je ne sais pas dans le sens ou Macharius dispose de ressources quasi illimitées mais qu'Horus possédait une légion de marines en plus des troufions de l'Armée Impériale et des titans.

bloodangels Il n'y a que la mort qui n'a pas de solution. bloodangels

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Mortarion Mer 16 Mai 2012 - 16:04

Macharius n'est pas le premier et ne sera pas le dernier Maître de Guerre après Horus.

Il y a déjà eu Slaydo,ou Maccaroth il me semble dans les Mondes de Sabbat,et ils n'ont certainement pas eu la même puissance qu'Horus a eu à l'époque. Et ce n'est pas comparable,Horus était le chef et commandant suprême des armées de l'Imperium et avait donc 18 legions et des millions de régiments de l'Armée Impériale à ses ordres.

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Administration Ven 18 Mai 2012 - 4:44

Ci-dessous, un extrait du premier jet du roman Fist of Demetrius (le deuxième tome de la trilogie The Macharian Crusade), posté sur le blog de Williman King en personne !

Source d) Drinking With Wolves

For those of you considering having a beer with the Wolves of Space, a dire warning. Leo, one of the Imperial Guard heroes of Fist of Demetrius, has had some experience in this field.

Extracted from the first draft of Fist of Demetrius

“Kill me now,” I said. The room seemed to be whirling around as if someone had placed a gravitic rotator under my bed. It felt as if one of the Adeptus Astartes was banging on my head with a Thunder Hammer. My throat felt raw. My stomach churned as if I had the Brontovan Trots.

“You saw Space Wolves,” said Anton. The skinny bastard was practically dancing with excitement. “You drank with Space Wolves.”

“You pointed a shotgun at Space Wolves,” said Ivan, the light reflecting brilliantly on the metal of his face. I considered asking him to switch it off then realised that made no sense. “Your stupidity is impressive.”

“Don’t worry. They got their revenge. They decided a bolter shell was too quick so they tried to kill me with alcohol poisoning. I think they are on the verge of success. Ivan, if I die, you can have my shotgun.”

“I wanted that,” said Anton.

“Ivan, you have my permission to give Anton the shotgun — full bore, in the face,” I said. “Make sure it’s loaded with manstopper rounds. You’ll need them to breach his thick skull.”

“Hark at the man who tried to outdrink a Space Wolf,” said Anton. “He is calling me stupid.”

“I wasn’t trying to outdrink him,” I said, pausing to throw up in the bucket that Ivan had helpfully placed by the side of the bed. “I just decided it would be more dangerous to refuse him than to drink the bloody thing. Of course, I might have been wrong about that.”

“I hope you did not let the side down,” said Anton. “I would not want them thinking the boys from Belial can’t hold their drink.”

“Anton,” I said, dry heaving for a bit before continuing. “Compared to a Space Wolf, a mastodon can’t hold its booze. One of them could outdrink an alcholic Ogryn and its in-bred cousin, probably its whole alcoholic clan.”

I had flashbacks to last nights drinking session, just images really, because after I had accepted Grimfang’s proffered glass my memory of things shattered into a thousand glittering booze-soaked pieces. I recalled the High Command of Macharius’s army drinking toasts to the Adeptus Astartes, sensibly using thimble sized shot-glasses of spirit, while the Space Wolves guzzled tankards of the stuff. Only I had been dumb enough to try the tankard.

I remembered speeches being given and songs being sung and over everything a looming sense of unreality hovering. It seemed so unlikely that we could be in the presence of these creatures of legend, that they would be present on the Crusade. I remembered howling war-cries and tales of battle and a skald singing something in an odd chant that told of ancient battles under bloody suns against foes worthy of Wolves.

I remembered Macharius reeling to his feet and speaking of the wars of his youth, not boasting, simply talking about old comrades, now gone and battles long won. I remembered Constantine of all people toasting Macharius and their friendship.

Most of all I remembered what Grimfang had whispered, about the way Anna’s scent clung to me. The Great Wolf knew about the Imperial Assassin. He suspected her. Not without good reason. The question troubling me was what she would do when she found out, as she undoubtedly would.

Extracted from the first draft of Fist of Demetrius



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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Administration Ven 18 Mai 2012 - 16:56

Interview vidéo avec William King à propos d'Angel Fire) :

Last, but certainly not least, we have William King’s Angel of Fire, the first book in an epic new trilogy which charts the progress of Lord Commander Solar Macharius, on his crusade to expand the borders of the Imperium. We caught up with the man himself (William that is) to have a chat about what to expect from the Macharian Crusade saga. Check out the video below:



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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Administration Sam 19 Mai 2012 - 17:07

Une critique du roman Angel of Fire de Wiliam King postée sur le blog The Founding Fields :


Source d) Angel of Fire by William King – Advance Review

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par BlooDrunk Ven 23 Nov 2012 - 12:04

Et bien ça à l'air très prometteur tout ça...
Il semblerait que personne ne l'a encore lu parmi nous?
Hâte d'en voir les premières critiques (et une date de vf? Razz ), c'est pas tous les jours qu'on à droit à une série sur un Seigneur Commandant dirigeant une croisade, d'autant plus qu'on parle de l'illustre Macharius en personne!

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 30k-le10


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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Macharius Ven 23 Nov 2012 - 18:33

C'est le livre que j'attends le plus, mon personnage préféré !

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 263097macharius

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Nico. Ven 23 Nov 2012 - 20:53

Idem, cela fait parti des livres que j'attends le plus en VF.

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 846747844195bannirenicoor4GRAND


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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par Administration Mer 27 Fév 2013 - 7:03

Pour info, le roman Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade T1) de William King sera réédité en anglais et au format poche par la Black LIbrary fin mai 2013.
Prix indicatif = 10.35 €.

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 592698AngelofFiresoftback

A noter que l'édition hardback en anglais est toujours disponible au prix indicatif de 18.80 €.

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King 510065Angeloffirehardback

Source de la photo postée ci-dessus : Le Reclusiam.


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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par uther33 Mer 8 Mai 2013 - 21:56

C'est officiel, le roman Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade T1) en VO de William King va être réédité au format de poche en mai 2013 soit quasiment 1 an après l'édition hardback.

Le prix définitif est de 12,5 euros et l'ebook à 8,99 euros.

Haut Connétable Uther - Pour les Black Librarians ! Pour le Forum !

Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Bannie10
Ce sont les vainqueurs qui écrivent l'histoire

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Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King Empty Re: Angel of Fire (The Macharian Crusade) de William King

Message par tioelscorpio Mer 8 Mai 2013 - 22:18

C'est une bonne nouvelle, je vais un peu attendre mais je le prendrais certainement. Même si c'est pas du point de vue de Macharius c'est toujours intéressant.

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